Sonali Bank PLC, India Operation

Savings banner

Deposit to Save

  1. Savings Account
  2. Current Account
  3. Fixed Deposit
  4. Recuring Deposit

Loan and advances

Loan & Advance

  1. Staff Consumer Loan
  2. Staff House Building Loan
  3. Foreign Bill Purchased
  4. TOD against Payment Instrument
  5. SOD Loan
  6. Demand Loan

Trade Finance

Trade Finance

  1. Export Bill Purchase
  2. Export Bill Collection
  3. LC Advising
  4. Import LC/ Contract
  5. Advance Remittance
  6. Foreign Currency Remittance
  7. Reimbursement
  8. Bank Guaranttee

Sonali Bank's branches in India

sonali bank kolkata branch india
sonali bank shiliguri branch india Image

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